Biblical Studies with Ministry Training Program
Biblical Studies with Ministry Training Program begins JANUARY 2022
For Covenant Network members with a call to minister the gospel as a currently ordained Five-Fold Office or meeting exception guidelines are encouraged to enroll in the Biblical Studies with Ministry Training Program.
Online courses with real-time meetings and video instruction
Instructor, coach and peer feedback for assignments and/or projects
Complete 8 classes under the Biblical Studies and 4 classes in the Ministry Training Program for program completion.
Courses are open to ordained CN members or those with a letter of recommendation from their CN church leader.
Registration for each course is $100.00
Sermon Training: How to be Biblically Accurate
Bishop Randy Morgan Instructor
Spring 2021
“I'm a testimonial. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Click me to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”