Classes are open
Vision Statement
Establishing in Present Truth, Equipping for the work of the Ministry,
Activating the Body of Christ
We exist to
Establish in present truth
(2 Peter 1:12)
To be established is to be stable, strengthened, and constant. Fire Institute (FI) exists to bring
the Body of Christ, particularly the LGBT-affirming part of the Body of Christ, to
this place of stability, strength, and constancy of present truth revelation
Equip for the work of the ministry
(Ephesians 4:11-12)
The Word of God tells us that the 5-fold (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors,
and teachers) are given to the Body of Christ for the “equipping of the saints for
the work of ministry and for edification” (see Eph. 4:11-12). FI is driven to bring
5-fold ministers together to teach and equip the saints for various works of
ministry – to make sure that all upcoming 5-fold ministers and saints are given
tools that they can practically use in every area of life.
Activate the Body of Christ
(Hebrews 5:14)
“Activation” in scripture is called “constant use training” (see Hebrews 5:14). In
context, that passage of scripture refers to the use of discernment, which is one of
the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. If activation applies to one, it applies to all. We
become supernaturally useful when we are trained to constantly use (activate)
what God has given us – discernment, tongues, prophecy, etc. FI is driven to
apply constant use training in all of our principles.
The Fire Institute
P.O. Box 813
Stockbridge, GA 30281